Investment Management

Above all else, Cabanor International manages investments.

Everything we do is focused on maximizing the returns your portfolio generates. This commitment to outperformance takes a certain level of dedication and an approach you won't find at most conventional investment companies.

It also takes attention to detail and a keen focus to ensure we always act in a fiduciary capacity for each client portfolio. For that reason, we also advise you to complete a comprehensive financial plan that brings together all areas of your financial world. A comprehensive plan will ensure alignment and the implementation of a clearly defined wealth strategy that addresses all financial needs for now and for generations to come.


By investing in themes, business cycles, and emerging trends rather than chasing benchmarks, we frequently generate extraordinary results.

Our strategy is based on:

  • Having a longer-term, global, macroeconomic outlook
  • International, multi-cap, multi-class equities
  • Meticulous company-specific research
Fixed Income

A robust fixed income strategy protects capital and beats inflation. But a conservative and reliable fixed income plan need not be dull. Our approach uses creative methods and techniques and takes the time to find opportunities that other portfolio managers overlook and disregard.

Risk Management

Risk is an impression or concept, and the more you try to reduce risk, the more you limit potential returns. It’s a big issue that has more significant implications.

Cabanor International Will:

  • Discover and empathize with your situation
  • Actively manage your investments and allocations
  • Create a bespoke strategy specifically for you
  • Be approachable and accessible at all times

Contact Us

If you are new to wealth management, seeking to upgrade your current wealth manager, or would like to streamline your family’s financial strategy, contact us today to take the first step on the road to a brighter tomorrow.